Our October social event is quickly approaching and you won’t want to miss it!
We are inviting all current FCA Edmonton members in good standing to submit 1-2 pieces of work (finished or near completion) for a live critique by juried AFCA members Doris Charest, Erinn Evans and Judy Schafers.
When: October 16th from 7-8:30pm
You are invited to arrive anytime after 6:30pm—come early to socialize and learn what events and shows are coming up for our group. I will be there to open the doors at 6:30pm at the Night of Artists Gallery (NOA) in Bonnie Doon Centre (8330-82 Ave). Please enter via the mall entrance, not the NOA outside door.
If you would like to have your work critiqued please email me at artist@crystaldriedger.com with a good quality photograph or a scan of your painting(s) by noon on Saturday, October 14th.
This will give our volunteer critique artists a chance to look at your painting before the big event. Then bring your artwork to the event so we may admire it in person during the critique!
And YES for those of you wondering, you are welcome to attend the meeting and social even if you’re not bringing artwork to the event.
Looking forward to seeing you all! Our last critique was very well received, so please submit your work early to guarantee a spot.
See you all soon,
Crystal Driedger
Education and Social Chair
FCA Edmonton Chapter