November 15 to December 5, 2021
Pocket Change, Jori Warren - 1st Place - FCA Edmonton February Exhibition 2021
Submissions start October 10; deadline November 7!
Allan Dunfield, SFCA Jean Pederson, SFCA Birgit Coath, AFCA
Allan Dunfield, SFCA
Jean Pederson, SFCA
Birgit Coath, AFCA
1st Place $300 2nd Place $200 3rd Place $100 3 Honourable Mentions $50 each
1st Place $300
2nd Place $200
3rd Place $100
3 Honourable Mentions $50 each
To enter this exhibition, you must be an Active, Associate or Signature member in good standing with the Federation of Canadian Artists and an affiliate of the Edmonton Chapter.
Entered works must be available for sale.
Learn how to submit your work
Submit your work (beginning October 10)
Federation of Canadian Artists Edmonton Chapter
Edmonton, Alberta