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The Edmonton Chapter of the Federation of Canadian Artist strives to provide its affiliates with fellowship, education and opportunities.  We are a group focused on sharing and learning from each other. We also provide opportunities for affiliates to show their art via Edmonton area exhibitions, and online on this website and our social media pages. As a fresh new organization, we will be adding events to our calendar as they are developed. Please see the events page for upcoming activities. 

In order to join the Edmonton Chapter, an applicant must first be a member of our head office, the Federation of Canadian Artists. There is a membership fee for both the head office and our chapter.


Our chapter will be meeting every two months with 4 or 5 meetings typically planned for each year.  These meetings will be scheduled for a one to two hour time commitment, including chapter business, affiliates’ updates and achievements, and an educational program involving a guest critic, demonstrator or presenter.


Once you are a member of the FCA head office (see link above) you may join our chapter by entering your email and completing the process below. You will join us as a supporting member, and upon review of your application, which will require a receipt from your membership payment to the FCA, our membership committee will assign your membership to the correct juried status, if you have already been granted active, associate, or senior status by the FCA head office.

New members joining between January 1 and September 30 receive membership privileges for the current calendar year; new members joining between October 1 and December 31, the current and subsequent year.

Affiliate Supporting Member - $50.00 (CAD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: January 1st No automatically recurring payments

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Federation of Canadian Artists Edmonton Chapter

Edmonton, Alberta


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